
Imperial court factions (SF)

Started by June 27, 2015 03:23 PM
8 comments, last by Acharis 9 years, 2 months ago

You are the Emperor, you have a court, appoint governors, etc. Each civil service official support one of the 5 factions. Depending which faction is the strongest (number of supporters) the empire gets a certain bonus. You don't want a single faction to become too powerful (they might usurp the throne biggrin.png).

The question is, how to name these factions?

Important note, these are court factions, I don't want them to sound like political parties (also I will probably make an imperial senate which is completelly separate thing and I would not want them to be confused).

My quick ideas (rather lame, just an example):

- Warlords (militaristic, red crest, support strong fleet)

- Economists/Treasurers (focused on economy, yellow crest)

- Traditionalists

- Cancellists (bureaucrats)

- Genome purists (obsessed with DNA purity of your race) [note I prefer single word name for factions so it's not the best one]

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what are the 5 types of bonuses the 5 different factions convey?

i'd start with that, then use that as a guideline for the names of what the factions are about.

you might also use family names (like political factions in rome2) or colors (but that's more like political parties - the reds [millitary], golds [money], etc).

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"



what are the 5 types of bonuses the 5 different factions convey?

i'd start with that, then use that as a guideline for the names of what the factions are about.

No, I could make up these bonuses anytime for any faction. What matters is the faction name to sound right :) Don't worry about these bonuses.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

"sound right" = westerners today only know what their Providers tell them of the world.. generalised perception isn't really worth adapting to.. Your categories add flavour and interest :) i might interpret "traditionalists" in a hundred different ways, censors, priests, that might detract from the strength of your interpretation.

youtube et c. has a ton of chinese television, in chinese (so you can hear the real voices and appreciate the real spirit) including various dramatisations about various dynasties.. take kangxi and liu bang, very different characters.

neither a follower nor a leader be

OK, forget the bonuses part, they grant nothing :)

I was thinking maybe call them based on lineage? Like noble descendants of warriors or caste of bureaucrats.

Or something more abstract like "Order of th White Swan" :)

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

I am a little unclear as to whether you want creative names for typical factions, or just a list of potential supporting factions, but since you can call them literally whatever you want while showing them to be their obvious role, I'm going to list some ideas for the latter.

Some supporting faction ideas:

  • military
  • religious clergy
  • staff/clerks (seems insignificant, but can make a huge difference)
  • scientists
  • aristocracy
  • heroes of the people/ the common people themselves
  • You could have minority groups supporting one side (maybe a group who broke away from the genome purists)
  • criminals: something shadowy like assassins, or something more public like a mob
  • academia/the press: control what is written
  • foreign factions who want a stake in this country's power
  • artisans
  • craftsmen
  • middle class merchants


OK, forget the bonuses part, they grant nothing smile.png

I was thinking maybe call them based on lineage? Like noble descendants of warriors or caste of bureaucrats.

Or something more abstract like "Order of th White Swan" smile.png

I'm sorry, but what you're asking for is not really feasible.

Your asking for "cool" names for disparate factions, that don't have any back story, bonus, or purpose.

Your asking for a name before you have a theme or the product.

That's like me going to an engineer and telling him to make a "Zooban", he asks me what that is, and I tell him it doesn't matter what it is, just so it will look, sound, play, and work like a "Zooban"

Figure out the purpose of each faction 1st before you start naming them.

Names come after a function/ purpose/ product has been defined.

If you want them to be family lineages, then start with what each family's values are, who these people are, and then find/ come up with a name that subtly or directly relates to or has contrast to their values or history.

Look at your world, setting and time period, what names would be fitting?

If these factions vying for the throne aren't actually doing so, and you want some cool sounding factions that don't have any purpose or story, nor mechanic tied to them, why make them in the 1st place?

If they have no purpose other than to grant a superficial sense of conflict, then you might as well just call them A, B, C, 1,2, 3....

Your making more work for yourself by adding in these factions that seem to represent nothing nore provide any kind of story or game mechanics.

Take the now well known, but books original work: A song of Ice and fire = Game of Thrones.

Each family has values, crests personalities, etc. and for most, their names reinforce and symbolize their essence.

Starks are the winter harsh cold people, the word "stark" has a similar meaning.

Same for each of the major houses, each name tells you something about their lineage, and how proud they are or aren't to hold that name.

If your using the standard aristocratic court names, and say have "The Economists gain power or prominence, how will that effect the economy? If it doesn't in any way, then they really serve no purpose, if they don't have an agenda, then why are they there?

Every detail has the potential to be a design decision.

For example, a while ago on this forum, a person representing a project which the main player character was meant to suffer from Schizophrenia, and the game was basicaly kill the guards to escape the institution.

They went on and on about how they wanted to get the mental health thing right, and get the player to feel it, then I checked out their indidb page, and the game was all in 3rd person.


I mean no disrespect, but in the short time of reading some of your threads, I'm getting the impression your outsourcing brain storming and writing department tasks to this forum.

It's fine to do so, if that's how you want to do it, but if you directly use any of our contributions you'll need to source us in your credits.

And if you think we should be grateful that our ideas are making it into your game, I for one am cool with it, but I'm not chomping at the bit, so grateful that I let proper credit fly out the window.

Ideally, a forum should help you get your ideas out, and allow them to be critically reviewed, for feedback, and inspiration, you yourself should be coming up with these names and concepts at the end of the day, only you and (your team, if you have a team) should be the ones that know your game so well to know what will work and what will not in your context.

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So, I got those 5 factions. Now I wonder on polishing the names/lore.

For example I have doubts about "Genome purists" (goal to preserve the original human genome), maybe instead make them some sort of "Genome enchancers/modificators" while the "Traditionalists" factions would be more into preserving the original genome.

Also "Economists", I don't know, I don't find it fancy, maybe call them "Bankers" or something?

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Genome Purists could just be Puritans. Or the Roots Faction. Or maybe The Court of Lineage.

Bureaucracy..... Court of Ministers or The Social Order or even.... the Clan of the Wall.

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Shorter. I prefer it being one word (two at most).

Puritans = Traditionalists to my taste.

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