
Flexible Storyline in an MMO

Started by March 20, 2015 03:25 AM
5 comments, last by powerneg 9 years, 4 months ago

There was an idea that I had for an MMO. The game has a basic backstory but players are encouraged to roleplay with other players and can get rewards for contributing to the overall story. Senior members in the game's comunity can be millitary generals and vote to plan what each faction chooses to do and every week or so a newsletter is sent to update the overarching storyline. Tell me what you think and if any game does something like this.

Roleplaying seems to be more common in MUD (multi-user dungeon) games than it is in modern graphical MMOGs. I might be wrong but, from what I've seen, the focus these days tends to be on leveling and quests. Actual role-playing would be a nice addition to the usual MMO scene, I think. In my research I came across a MUD called Aardwolf that encourages role-playing. I don't know if it's done to that extent, though.


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I 've seen a few games with similar features, they usually amounted to little more than a reminder that "this game encourages roleplay" so i will skip to some advice. - Don't make strict factions, they turn the game too much into a us-vs-them. If you want factions, make sure a player can be part of multiple factions so he/she still has some choices to make when a conflict starts. - try not to make the game too much about leveling. If possible make a character's possibilities dependent on respect he gets from other players(for fair roleplaying/not abusing his possibilities for "godmoding") - Give the players as much freedom to change the game as you can without breaking the game.

Maybe a scout out the opportunities/happenings as individuals (let the players coordinate amongst themselve to do that) and then have the 'decision' be made (using the 'fouund' info) as to what 'big' mission' to go after/do with the entire group/faction.

Where does the content come from that forms the definition of the activities that the 'decisions' choose amongst doing or having done ? Factions place assets that the other factions have to beat? Random generated sandbox situations? or somewhat controlled by some overall influence map which the players actions push and shove against ?

--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact

There was an idea that I had for an MMO. The game has a basic backstory but players are encouraged to roleplay with other players and can get rewards for contributing to the overall story. Senior members in the game's comunity can be millitary generals and vote to plan what each faction chooses to do and every week or so a newsletter is sent to update the overarching storyline. Tell me what you think and if any game does something like this.

If you want to achieve that, take focus away from the usual RPG fare gameplay elements. I don't think rewarding roleplaying will be enough to make a huge amount of players engage in it, you will also need to make the usual leveling / looting / raiding grindfest less attractive.

Even then, prepare for your game to be quite niche. What I have seen on even "roleplay encouraged" MMO servers doesn't lead me to believe that most people care about roleplaying. So if your game FORCES people to roleplay, many will not play it. If your game merely encourages it, most players will just ignore the roleplaying aspects.

I don't know... I like the idea of having players influence the story in some way, but how to achieve that? How to make thousands of players have an influence on the story without ending up with little more than noise? How to prevent people abusing loopholes in the system to ruin the whole thing for everyone? What to do if players get upset about the direction the story takes because an organized minority might be able to steer it in some direction?

And how to somehow make this story influence gameplay so that more than just the few story-fans among the players are caring?

Sometimes a million monkeys at keyboards don't reproduce shakespeare... remember "Twitch plays pokemon"? That is the quality of output you can expect when you give thousands of random people control over something, without any constraint or strong incentive to achieve a desirable goal. Just as many people will use the system to PREVENT others from achieving a goal than the other way around.

Story Griefing... well, at least its a fresh way to get griefed in an MMO.

Any problem that can be solved by the players should be solved by the playets Don't like that faction dominating the server ? Make your own faction. Players don't want to be actors in some Shakespear-play, they want to be participants in a world that is alive and breathing

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